Hello and thanks for visiting.
This is my personal online space where I get to share anything I fancy writing about.
Born in the UK, my first writing job was reviewing dance music for my local paper. At the time I was working full time as a nightclub DJ. The years drifted by, and I didn’t want to be ‘that’ aging DJ, and so figured journalism would be any easy next step.
Having been offered a job at my local weekly (the editor had to decide between me or a carpet fitter), I got to cover daily news, reported on crime, courts, inquests, the annual carnival, re-wrote hundreds of press releases, outed a crooked councillor or two, and once saved some trees from being cut down. Campaigning journalism was my thing.
Apart from writing, there were news reporting shifts for BBC and commercial local radio, but having risen to chief sub editor at a regional newsroom I headed to London to work as a photo-journalist for an international magazine. I travelled to report on stories in places such as Beijing, Shanghai, Lisbon, Oslo, Stockholm, Paris, and Southend-on-Sea.
In 2000 I left the UK to take up a job join the New Zealand Herald’s newsroom in Auckland. Seven years later I left to work freelance (I’m not currently looking for work).
Freelance assignments included covering employment, technology, security, business, and investing. I’ve edited and project managed a handful of magazines, launched (and sold) my own title, and built a few WordPress websites here and there.
I recorded my first podcast in 2008, and have self-published a few books (thanks if you bought one).